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Building Your Dentistry Team


Building Your Dentistry Team

Building your Dentistry Team

You are about to hire employees who will work to make your dental practice a success. And, if you are wise, you are about to hire team members to work together to create the dental experience for your patients that will keep them coming back again and again. Each team member will need to feel that they are important to the team and to you in particular. Yet, you cannot be their buddy to an extent that causes you to make emotional decisions about their continued employment. It is a fine line, but as the head of a new dental clinic, it is crucial that you maintain some distance without appearing cold and uncaring.

Before you begin the hiring process, you need to assess what positions you want to fill and understand what types of people are likely to apply. Next, you need to publicize the positions, interview candidates and make your decisions. Along the way, you need to introduce future team members to each other to make sure they can get along. Train them well and they will provide the services you need from them. Manage them properly and you can have a star dental team that propels your practice into success.